Other Dance Groups

Israeli Folk Dance Class, Albuquerque
Tuesdays, 7-9 pm, Beginner on Sundays 4 – 5 pm
Call: Sara Lowry, 323.333.9342; Email: sara@ssmade.com

1st and 3rd Sundays, 10 am – Noon;  $5
Pop’s Ice Cream and Escape Rooms
below Ace Hardware at San Mateo and Lomas
Call Noralyn, 505.908.0489

Santa Fe Folk Dance, Tuesdays
Odd Fellows Hall,1125 Cerillos Road
Web: http://sites.google.com/site/santafefolkdance/sfifd_home
Email: folkdance@gmail.com  Call: 505.501.5081

Partner Folkdancing
Santa Fe: Fourth Sunday
3 – 5 pm
Odd Fellows Hall
Call: Rick or Carolyn, 505.662.5844

Albuquerque Unitarian Church Folk Dancers, Thursdays
Unitarian Church, Comanche & Carlisle (in Memorial Hall)
Teaching 7:30; dance 8:30; $1;
Call: Charlene Baker 505.350.2436

Los Alamos Folk Dance Club, Tuesdays
7 – 9 pm  $3
Performing Arts Center, 1670 Nectar St.
Call: Bob or Claudia, 505.662.2144

Enchantment Scottish Country Dancers
Fridays, 7:30 – 10 pm  $5
Friends Meeting House 1600 5th Street NW, Albuquerque
Contact:  Laura Landress 505.385.5997 laura.landress@gmail.com
or Ellen Hildebrandt  hildeef2@gmail.com

Scandinavian Folk Dance, Santa Fe:
Third Sunday 3-5 pm
Contact Bill or Berit (bill-berit@cybermesa.com) for directions

Hungarian Folk Dance
Second and Fourth Wednesdays
7:30 – 9 pm, Call for directions
: Jane Diggs, 505.299.0332 or Gary Diggs, 505.520.7084

Cross-step Waltz, Albuquerque
Beginner/Intermediate Mondays, 7-9:30 p.m.
Intermediate  Sundays, 12:15-2:00 p.m.;
Lloyd Shaw DC, 5506 Coal Ave SE;
Call: Gary Diggs, 505.520.7084; Email Gary 

Second Sunday Dance – English Country
Second Sundays; 7 – 9:30 pm  $7-$8
ABQ Square Dance Center, 4909 Hawkins NE, Albuquerque
Call:  Noralyn: 505.908.0489

Sunday International Folk Dance –  Santa Fe
Sundays, 6:30 – 8 pm $5
Odd Fellows Hall,1125 Cerillos Road, Santa Fe,
Call: 505.501.5081

Contra Dance Nights: Albuquerque and  Santa Fe
Call: Donna Bauer, 505-345-8041

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